
Clean recipes, Heart pumping Workouts, and Daily Motivation to becoming a Fit Fox!

Post Baby Body-Month 4

Well, my peeps, it’s been 4 months since little Liam made his entrance into the world! As much as I’d like to say that as his cheeks got chubbier my a$$ cheeks got smoother but that’s just not the case………..

At month 4, I weighed in at 182. Yep, you got that right. 3 lbs lost since Month 3. Seriously? It had to have been the pumpkin pie from Thanksgiving. Blasted.

You can read my last post baby body post to see all of my photos but just to show the latest monthly progress, here is last month:


And here is this month (Saturday, Dec 14-4 months post partum)

4monthsΒ 4months1 4months2

Will anyone out there give me a fist pump for showing my bum cellulite?!! Anyone?

I know that 3 lbs doesn’t sound like much but I feel like I can SEE a bigger difference this month. Maybe the weight is just moving to my boobs? One can only hope. πŸ™‚

I’m still exclusively breastfeeding, still eating semi-clean (I still like to eat cheese and have a few more pieces of bread than I should), and am exercising only 3 times (in home)Β per week. Liam is waking up every 2-3 hours for the last month and it has wiped me out like no other mother.

I’m hoping that by month 5, I will be in the 170s but with Christmas lurking and my grandma’s sausage balls and sheet cake staring me in the face, I can’t promise anything.

I feel so blessed to have Liam and I do not take this gift for granted. In fact, it has made me a little easier on myself. I do look at other new moms like Natalie Hodson and Jamie Eason and want to punch them in the face shake my head wondering why I don’t look like them yet. Then I realize, I DIDN’T LOOK LIKE THEM BEFORE, so why the heck am I getting down on myself?

This is MY JOURNEY and only mine and I hope that you see that I am a real woman. With real hips. With a boo-tay. With cellulite. With a new body. I am real and I hope to give you more strength, more enthusiasm, and more PATIENCE with your own body in whatever journey, in whatever goal you’re working towards.

Since I left you with a nice dose of Liam last post, I’m going to leave you with a little more. πŸ™‚

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. You all rock my face off. πŸ™‚

4monthsΒ  4months2 4monthsDukeΒ photo 2 SantaLiam


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3 thoughts on “Post Baby Body-Month 4

  1. You look AmaZiNg! I love to read your posts you are such an inspiration πŸ™‚ Have a Merry Christmas! !

  2. Sylvia Terry on said:

    I think your torso is so toned for that short a time! The rest will come off in due time! Be patient!


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