
Clean recipes, Heart pumping Workouts, and Daily Motivation to becoming a Fit Fox!

Liam’s Birth Story (the clean & short version)

What? You thought I’d have a dirty version?

Also, this post has taken me 6 days to write. Yep, 6 whole days to write this short post. Taking care of a newborn and remembering to brush my teeth have been my top two priorities.

I had a planned C section because my sweet boy inherited my stubborness and was breech. My mom, my mother in law, Matt, and I went to the hospital the morning of Wednesday, August 14th to meet our son.

Heading out to the hospital the morning of Wednesday, August 14, 2013:


The C section went well minus the fact that I had a plethora of fluid that shot out like a geyser thus making my husband nearly faint and have to sit down on the floor. True story.

I felt like I had been sucker punched in the lower abdomen, which I can only assume is a better feeling than being sucker punched in the vag, and it was worth it all to hold my boy for the first time:


He is perfect and I thank God.




This Wednesday, he will be 4 weeks old. I can’t believe how much time has passed already and how much he grows and changes every day.

How I love the faces and the noises he makes. Staring at his sweet face all day makes me forget the fact that he’s nearly ripped my nipples off.

My plan is to write about my changing body (pictures included-gasp!) in the near future with “near” being used very loosely. I hope that you all are continuing to work hard each and every day; eating clean, working out, being positive, and showering at least once a day (something I will never ever take for granted again). đŸ™‚

Eat clean, pump some iron, and be a Fit Fox!

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3 thoughts on “Liam’s Birth Story (the clean & short version)

  1. Patty Kinsella on said:

    He is beautiful!

  2. Congratulations! It’s amazing what we do for those precious little blessings. Enjoy him, he’s adorable.

  3. Sylvia Terry on said:

    Isn’t it just absolutely amazing and unbelievable how such a tiny being can absorb your every thought, every moment. You wouldn’t have believed it unless you actually experienced this miracle. Right? And it’s totally worth every inconvenience you will have! Just love him, then love him again! He can’t get enough either!

    Grandma Terry

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